Thursday, September 28, 2006

Patrick all clean

Patrick ran away twice. The second time was on Christmas Eve, 2005.
This is his second comeback. Posted by Picasa


In reference to the inhalation of water. Floodlights on vehicle shine on mirror in bathroom of the self-hydrating head. Other attempts osmosis. Posted by Picasa

female face

Actual size of a fictitious persons head. Posted by Picasa

grape grid

A study in the green and red. Equally tasty. Posted by Picasa

hand-held side a

see previous entry for additional information.
The story of the child clown. Born with small rubber sphere for a nose. Usually will pose facing west, rarely forward, occasionally 3/4. A large proponent of the hybrid playground game, horseshoe hopscotch, which his indigeounous people have played for millenia. Posted by Picasa

hand-held, side b

Recently given to the Hayes', in Detroit, Michigan. Side b is a mini-pageant of characters who represent their own childhood imaginations.
On holidays like Halloween, whatever conception arrives, becomes his or her visual, tactile, sensory reality for that period. Luckily i avoid copyright infringements because these individuals were raised without television, and appear to be non-commercial fantasy creatures. Posted by Picasa

pianista! early edit, full

The quasi-disemboweled, orange-shoed, elastic female with communication-cloud prefers to play her midi-piano in plain air, on the upperlips music stand. A stormy atmosphere brings lethargic anti-yogi in indian-style sitting pose, whose caption once stated,"Deed for the day is done, expect a reward."

The mammal stays in the picture. Posted by Picasa

pianista! detail, early edit

I have added and subtracted a lot of the imagery seen above. The deer-like animal, the grass and sky only remain, so far. Posted by Picasa
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